Monday, March 26, 2012

What will your mother say! Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon caught smoking at the tender age of 15

By Daily Mail Reporter

Bad habit: Madonna's 15-year-old daughter Lourdes Leon was seen smoking a cigarette in New York on Friday

Madonna's 15-year-old daughter Lourdes Leon appears to already have picked up a bad nicotine habit after she was pictured smoking a cigarette on Friday.

The eldest daughter of the Material Girl was seen puffing away as she loitered around with male friends in New York.

She had the cigarette in her hand as a pal lighted it for her and seemed very comfortable with it. The legal age for smoking in America is 18.

Teen trouble: Lourdes was hanging out with a group of boys when she took the nicotine break

Wearing a black and white mini dress with matching shoes, the 10th grade schoolgirl wore dark shades and her long hair loosely around her shoulders.

At one point she even sneakily tried to hide the cigarette in her hand by holding it upside down as she walked along.

Lourdes is following in her mother's footsteps in many ways including her passion for fashion with the family's clothing line Material Girl.

Up in smoke: At one point Lourdes sneakily tried to hide the cigarette in her right hand by turning it upside down

But as Madonna was seen seductively posing with a cigarette in her latest music video Girl Gone Wild, it appears it may be a bad habit picked up closer to home.

Madonna's rep had denied the singer had started smoking again after pictures surfaced of her with what looked like a cigarette in hand while shooting her movie W.E. in 2010.

But regardless of whether the 53-year-old was just posing with it or does still smoke, it may not be the best example to set for her four children.

Setting an example: Madonna is seen with a cigarette in her latest video Girl Gone Bad

Lourdes will reportedly join her mother's backing dancers when she kicks off her 50-country world tour in Israel in May.

'It is the first time Lourdes will have appeared on stage with her mum,' says a source.

'There are risqué dancers and some blatantly sexual dance routines – but Madonna is really excited about Lourdes making an appearance.'

Like sisters: Lourdes takes style tips from her mother and the pair currently run clothing line Material Girl



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